Monday, December 21, 2009

Where can you get advice on future career direction and what might those people advise you about?

1. career or guidance counselors in schools; life coaches

2. advise you on ways to help you find your direction/pathWhere can you get advice on future career direction and what might those people advise you about?
Several different options for you: at the library, see the Occupational Outlook which is updated regularily. Lists jobs, what they entail, salary, etc. Next, take the Meyers-Briggs Test, this shows what you have a strong interest in that you'd probably be good at doing. There are Career Counselors, they charge some hefty fees for their time. The other less expensive option would be to go to some sort of Workforce Development Training Center in your area (they go by different titles).

My two what you love, figure out how to make money at it.

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